I think I could gush and gush about my BFF, Jan-Ie. She’s smart, encouraging, and beautiful inside and outside. I was introduced to her during a trip to Las Vegas, and her kindness radiated from the beginning. Here are a few amazing qualities that I admire about her.
She’s great at the idea, and even greater at the execution: When she has an idea, she explains it with excitement and there’s no stopping the momentum of evolution of it being amazing. From her founding of Chinese New Year in the Desert to planning her milestone birthday, everything is well done, super super fun, and very memorable. She teaches me to think bigger and better, and she does it with class.
She is the most generous and thoughtful person that I know: I have the luxury of being included in so many of the things she’s doing. She pays attention to what people like and dislike, and accommodates for all of these details. When one of our friends was ill, she immediately ordered food via GrubHub to their home. She sends texts, gifts, and notes to let you know she’s thinking of you. They are deliberate messages to let you know you are important to her. She ensures that she is inclusive and that everyone has a solid role in the different events she leads.
Her generosity and her ability to care deeply is inspiring and helps me be a better person.
One of the funniest rules we have is that we can’t write thank you notes to each other anymore. Our development of this rule happened when we were writing thank you notes for receiving thank you notes back and forth. It got ridiculous so we just acknowledge how appreciative we are of each other.
You can count on her to be honest and straightforward: Jan-Ie is logical, sharp, and empathetic. When you do well, she will encourage and congratulate you. In our world of stereotypical passive-aggressive behavior, she IS a role model for doing the right thing. She speaks up when you are not holding your commitments, disrespecting anyone, or making excuses. There’s no misunderstanding where you stand with her. She will protect her family, her friends, and her colleagues with every ounce of her being. I’ve witnessed her unapologetically and unsolicited speak up on my behalf to a few people and address their poor behavior. It is with this passion that I aspire to be more direct and confrontational.
Friendships are so important, and building solid relationships fuel us to be happy, confident, and continually growing. I love my genuine friendship with Jan-Ie with no jealousy, competing, gossip or sneaky shit. It’s just pure love and good vibes.
Wow! I’m speechless. Thank you for this amazing post. You are my inspiration and I adore you! ❤️